Friday, September 20

Some 200 business leaders demand that Congress certify Biden's victory and slap Republicans against it

Unos 200 líderes de negocios exigen al Congreso certificar triunfo de Biden y dan manotazo a republicanos en contra

This Wednesday, Congress seeks to certify the triumph of Joe Biden.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Almost 200 New York-based business leaders asked Congress to certify the electoral process with the triumph of Joe Biden , in addition to highlighting that the courts have rejected the challenges of the process, in reference to the Republican movement that seeks to challenge the decision of the Electoral College.

“This presidential election is decided and it is time for the country to move forward,” begins the joint message organized by Kathryn Wylde, President and CEO of Partnership for New York City. “President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the vote of the Electoral College and the courts have rejected challenges to the electoral process ”.

Although they don’t mention Republicans, like Ted Cruz (Texas), leading a movement to challenge electoral certification , businessmen criticized the attempt to more of 100 representatives and 12 Senators allied with President Trump.

“Congress must certify the electoral vote on Wednesday, January 6” , they say. “Attempts to frustrate or delay this process go against the basic principles of our democracy.”

They added the country is mired in a crisis that requires immediate attention of the administration that will begin on 20 January.

“The incoming Biden administration faces the urgent tasks of defeating COVID – 19 and restore the livelihoods of millions of Americans who have lost their jobs and businesses, ”they say. “Our duly elected leaders deserve the respect and bipartisan support of all Americans.”

They also considered that there should be no further delays in the transfer of power, then that President-elect Biden complained about the lack of cooperation of some officials in the President’s Administration Donald Trump to advance on strategic issues, such as security and intelligence.

“There should be no further delays in the orderly transfer of power,” said the leaders, including representatives from Mastercard, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Pfizer, National Basketball Association, Blackstone Group, BlackRock, Lyft, Deloitte, Warby Parker, Moody’s, WeWork, Ernst & Young, JetBlue, MetLife, Condé Nast, Carlyle Group, Hearst, American Express, Saks Fifth Avenue, Price Waterhouse Cooper and Deutsche Bank, among ot ros.

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The letter from the employer is aligned with the pressure of the editorial committee of The Wall Street Journal , one of the most republican-like media, which published an editorial criticizing President Trump’s move against the results.

“The Electoral College decision will not work this week, because House Democrats will not agree , but imagine if the Republicans led the House and did it, “says the text published Sunday. “Eighty-one million Americans who voted for Biden would be disenfranchised by an insider trading scheme. The political response would be volcanic and it is understandable ”.

The editorial considered that the intentions of the Republicans will affect the electoral process and would help the movement to eliminate the Electoral College, to decide the elections by direct popular vote.

“By extending this law to be a partisan exercise , Republicans are also giving Democrats more ammunition for their campaign to overthrow the Electoral College in favor of direct popular vote ”, they considered.

Both positions against of Republicans are tied with the audio revealed by The Washington Post , where President Trump pressures Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger , on the votes that will help overturn Biden’s election victory.