Friday, September 20

Inject more speed to vaccination plan against COVID-19 in New York

In the middle of a new episode of confrontation between Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio , this Monday the New York Health authorities put their foot on the accelerator announcing a new route to speed up the process of vaccination against COVID – 19 , which has been rated as “slow” despite the availability of new immunizations from Pfizer and Moderna.

The state has received more than 774, 000 doses of the new vaccines against the coronavirus , but until last Saturday only had been administered , 000 injections , according to the Centers for Control and Disease Prevention (CDC).

“Hospitals that have had the new drugs in the last three weeks have used only about 65% of the doses on average ”, according to the numbers presented by the state president.

Yes well some hospitals have administered almost all their doses, others have used as much only the 15% , according to the governor, who put especially in that “black list” of health centers and hospitals administered by the authorities of the Big Apple.

Cuomo lobbied state hospitals to administer the vaccine faster and announced fines of up to $ 100, 02, if they don’t manage their assignments s of vaccines against the coronavirus by the end of this week.

“This is a management problem of local leaders. They have to move faster, ”Cuomo said.

In the future, state hospitals will be required to use their doses within a week of receiving them, providers to be late could receive more penalties.

Governor Cuomo charges that hospitals have not provided the 46% of vaccines that They’re available. (Photo: AFP-Getty Images)

De Blasio hurries the march

Minutes before the governor’s “sentence”, Mayor Bill de Blasio had offered details of his “immediate plan” of the first phase of a million vaccines that are proposed to be applied in January in the Big Apple. Part of the strategy consists of bringing immunizations closer to the neighborhoods most affected by the pandemic , through three points that will be installed this coming weekend in The Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn.

From this Monday on state vaccination plan considerably expands who can receive the first dose, adding all the workers of public and private health centers who have contact with patients, including psychiatric centers, physical therapy, dentists and orthodontists, optometrists, pharmacists and health care teams of public schools.

“We already fine-tune all the storage and distribution logistics like no other city in the country. The 250 are already located so that the coverage is effective and equitable among New Yorkers, even more so in localities that have suffered the most from the pandemic. We hope to count on the timely supply of the Federal Administration to crystallize this ambition ”, the Mayor stressed.

The City’s announcement coincides with a key week. It is expected that the viral infection could escalate worrisome dimensions due to the effects of the gatherings during the Holidays.

The average number of infected has risen to 9, 02% in the last seven days and 3 have been weighted , 976 new cases in the same period of time.

Last Sunday they passed away 160 people by complications associated with the virus in the state, of which 46 were confirmed in the Big Apple.

Who’s next?

The expectation is that from 11 January the vast majority of nursing home and home care staff who are in contact with n patients, including addiction support centers and also for the disabled, have all the facilities for inoculation in the city.

If the schedule is met, as shared by the New York City Health authorities , in February there will be a phase in which they begin to vaccinate over 75 years or more and essential workers who They cannot physically distance themselves because they work with the public.

For March and April the shift would be for the people from 65 to 74 years, also for all those New Yorkers who have pre-existing diseases. Also for the rest of the essential labor force.

It is calculated that if the supply of the new drugs is fully met, for the summer and immunizations are available for the rest of the population in the Big Apple.

The Dr Dave Chokshi, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) believes it imperative that the Federal Government accelerate the rate of vaccination in nursing homes, operated by CVS and Walgreens.

“ We plan our hospitals to work seven days a week and holidays. It will be a busy month as we increase vaccination capacity, even as we continue fighting the second wave, ”explained Choski.

General slowness

According to the latest CDC figures, 4.2 million people had received the vaccine in the country until last weekend, despite the fact that the authorities announced that at the end of December they would be inoculated 20 millions of people.

That means that only one has been vaccinated % of the 20 million citizens

Three vaccination centers:

The next Sunday 11 of January , from 9 am to 7 pm, the DOHMH confirms that in addition to the centers regular hospital doses will begin to administer doses to eligible groups, in three new special points:

  • Bushwick Educational Campus, 400 Irving Avenue, Brooklyn
  • Hillcrest High School, 160 – 05 Highland Avenue, Queens
  • South Bronx Educational Campus, 701 St. Ann’s Avenue, The Bronx

That’s how it goes vaccination in NYC:

  • 110, 241 dose of vaccines had been applied until this Sunday in the Big Apple, according to s data from the New York City Department of Health (DOHMH).
  • 80, 000 inoculations of estimates that they will be able to reach this week in 160 points.
  • 443. 000 doses are available right now in the city.
  • 400, 02 injections on average for each week aims to reach DOHMH by the end of this month.

How much do you have to get vaccinated?