Illustration d'un camion de pompiers en opération.

Illustration of a fire engine in operation. – PHILIPPE HUGUEN

Illustration d'un camion de pompiers en opération. A police intervention is underway this Monday morning in the parking lot of dumpster for garbage collection in Eysines , near Bordeaux. Around 6 a.m., a garbage collector was injured by bullets after shots fired at a garbage truck, explain the emergency services to 20 Minutes. On the spot, the tension is extremely high after the installation this Sunday of about forty caravans of Travelers, specifies France Bleu Gironde.

The victim is a man of 51 years . He was shot in the lower limbs but his life is not in danger. He was hospitalized at

CHU de Pellegrin. The shots were fired when he took up duty and the identity of the gunner (s) is not yet known.

Agents exercise their right of withdrawal

Since Sunday, the municipality has been in negotiations with members of the Travelers’ community to try to get them to leave the area. The latter settled in the parking lot of the agents of the metropolis.

In the meantime, the 78 agents of the Bordeaux Métropole cleanliness service of the depot have decided to exercise their right of withdrawal, reports

South West. There will be no garbage collection on Monday in the covered area by the Eysines depot.