Friday, September 20

Arizona woman comes out in pajamas to save Latino family from fire

An Arizona woman was a heroine on the first day of the year by rescuing a Latina before she was trapped between smoke and flames.

The saving action was recorded by the surveillance camera of the doorbell of the Salgado family’s home , made up of two adults and their four children.

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Carolyn Palish, a nurse with 40 years of experience, said she was getting ready to go out when she saw smoke coming from her Avondale neighbors’ house in the early hours of the morning.

The woman did not hesitate to go out in her pajamas to knock on the door of the house until the Salgado woke up.

“She made sure we left the house,” he said Nicole Salgado to CBS5. “The firefighters said that if it happens For five more minutes the roof would have fallen on us. ”

Nicole and David Salgado, who also They are sanitary, they said that their neighbor is now part of the family. For now the cause of the fire is unknown .

The Salgado are in another home since the house cannot be inhabited. Here you can help them .