Illustration police à Lyon.

Police illustration in Lyon. – E. Frisullo / 35 Minutes

The child was not injured but strongly shocked. On Saturday, a man of 35 years was arrested in the city center of Annecy, in Haute-Savoie, shortly after the assault of a 4-year-old child. While the little boy was walking with his parents, the suspect appeared and assaulted him in the middle of the street, trying to hit him, relates the Dauphiné Libéré. ​​

The parents of the child managed to keep the aggressor until the arrival of the police, who proceeded to arrest this man, without a known fixed address. The little boy, shocked by the assault, was taken care of by the firefighters.

Hospitalized under duress

Illustration police à Lyon. Known to have already assaulted in June a young German tourist who was taking a family walk in Annecy, the he man, followed for psychiatric problems, was taken to hospital. His state of health was deemed incompatible with a custody measure. The suspect was automatically hospitalized.