Friday, September 20

Will Republicans Accept Stimulus Check Increase to $ 2,000 With Senate Opening?

¿Republicanos aceptarán aumento de cheque de estímulo a $2,000 con inicio de sesiones del Senado?

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell rejects the aid increase to $ 2, 000 Dollars.

Photo: Tasos Katopodis / Getty Images

This Sunday the new United States Congress is installed and several pending issues will be taken up by the legislators of both houses.

Without However, there is an issue that remains latent among senators: the increase from $ 600 to $ 2 , 000 dollars of direct economic aid to families due to the pandemic of COVID – 19 .

The leader of the Republicans, Mitch McConnell (Kentucky), has opposed the bill passed in the House of Representatives, despite pressure from several of his colleagues.

It is uncertain if McConnell yields and allows the vote requested by the Democratic leader Charles Schumer (New York) and Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont), but a high-ranking Republican senator keeps pushing.

Lindsey Graham (South Carolina) asked their leader to avoid delaying the passage of the bill.

“With all due respect to my Republican colleagues, a payment $ 2k direct to individuals and families who are struggling is not socialism, ”Graham said. “In my opinion, it is necessary for the times we live in” .

With all due respect to my Republican colleagues, a $ 2k direct payment for individuals and families who are struggling is not socialism.

In my view it is necessary in the times in which we live.

– Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) January 1, 2021

Graham paraphrased Leader McConnell, who last Thursday said that approving an increase to the new aid check was “socialism for the rich” .

“The country is overwhelmed by #COVID, hospitals are full and businesses are hanging by a thread,” warned Graham. “Direct payments may not be the most efficient way to help people in need, but given the situation we are facing, they are extremely necessary.”

The problem that facing the approval of the aid increase is the validation of the presidential election, which will take place this week in Congress and is expected to cover the attention of legislators.