Friday, September 20

Subject to bat left several people injured and disasters in Manhattan

Sujeto con bat dejó varias personas heridas y desastres en Manhattan

The NYPD managed to arrest the man after two hours of attacks.

Photo: Andrés Correa Guatarasma / Courtesy

A man attacked several people in Manhattan and some cars, leaving at least one of his victims unconscious.

The subject, identified by Police Department ( NYPD ) as Bryan Thompson, from 43 years, he was arrested on Saturday night.

The attacks began at a subway station in Tribeca, reported The New York Post , and it stretched several blocks to the west area for almost two hours .

Thompson attacked a man in the Varick and Canal subway station, rendering him unconscious and with broken bones, in the man, hand and forehead.

An MTA worker was also attacked in the head.

On Seventh Avenue , Thompson repeatedly struck a driver , damaging his forehead. Then he stole his truck, which hit a car stopped at red light at least twice.

The man left the truck and fled again, but on his way he broke the windows of two cars . One of the drivers ended up with crystals in one eye.

Thompson also assaulted two more people on West Broadway, breaking the forearm of one, while injuring another in the leg.

He also stole another truck until he was arrested.