Illustration d'un couple qui se donne la main.

Illustration of a couple holding hands. – Pixabay
  • Every year on the first Sunday of the The year is causing audience counters on dating sites to panic.

That day, singles registered on the platforms would be much more active, and their number would even double according to some apps.

  • Good resolution of the year, social pressure or even weather, several reasons explain this sudden craze to find the soul mate at the start of the new year.
  • They are already in the starting blocks… As every year, singles from all over France are preparing for the traditional “Sunday of Love r ”. The first Sunday in January, known as Dating Sunday or Love Sunday , is the record day for registrations on dating apps and therefore, “the” best day to try to find a soul mate .

    That day , that is to say this Sunday, January 3, the number of registered singles would double according to certain dating applications, and those already present on the platforms would be much more active.

    A peak of attendance “between 20 hours and 22 hours ”

    According to the figures provided by Meetic , the French are indeed more likely than usual to seek love on the first Sunday of the year, with a peak in attendance “between 20 hours and 21 hours ”. Last year, Sunday January 5 310, registrations would thus have jumped by 22%, says the platform. Users would also have consulted more profiles than usual, and would be much more talkative since they would be exchanging more than 57% additional messages, i.e. much more than Valentin’s Day for example.

    Other dating applications, such as Tinder in particular , also make the same observation. This day would mark the beginning of a period of “six weeks of record hearings” between Sunday January 3 and February (Eve of Valentine’s Day), named “the season from swipe , ”explains Tinder. The most popular app even published this year a list of tips (advice) so that its members make the most of the Golden Hour which will take place this Sunday evening of 20 hours at 21 hours.

    Why such a craze that day?

    Several reasons explain this sudden craze to find the soul mate at the start of the new year. For a number of singles, it is first of all a matter of checking the first box “good resolutions of the year” . This is the case of Magali, who after a difficult year – between confinement and restrictions of all kinds – decided to take her life back in hand. “Some decide to take up sport, others want to achieve important professional projects. My goal at the start of the year is just to find myself a companion, ”explains the young woman, very active on social networks , and who often admits to consulting dating sites during this period of the year.

    The peak of attendance recorded during Love Sunday could also be explained by a phenomenon of social pressure. Christmas spent with family – and the injunctions to be in a relationship – would not be strangers to this desire to find a partner at that time. “After the Christmas meal with Auntie Nicole who reminded us for the umpteenth time of our celibacy, we are determined to change that”, explained last year to 13 Minutes Clementine Lalande, CEO of Once, a dating app specializing in slow dating .

    But this influx on the first Sunday of January – and in general the strong activity between Christmas and Valentine’s Day – could be explained mainly by an effect of seasonality , claim most dating sites and applications. As it is cold, people leave their homes less, meet fewer people and therefore go more willingly swipe on their smartphone. It remains to be seen if the crisis health and past confinements (and to come) will not further shake up the habits of singles this year …