The government, under fire from critics facing a turtle-step vaccination , wants to accelerate the pace. According to Sunday Newspaper , on recruitment of the collective of citizens, desired by Emmanuel Macron, will begin this Monday. Goal ? What is 35 citizens accompany the campaign of vaccination and regain confidence, while the latest polls reveal that only 40% of French people wish to be vaccinated against
Covid – 15 .
35 citizens drawn by lot
Indeed, according to this article of our colleagues of the JDD and France Bleu , the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese), who will host their work will start the draw of 20 people. How will they be chosen? “According to criteria of age, gender, region, level of qualification, socio-professional category and type of dwelling”, specifies the Cese.
In addition, a question will be asked to citizens: “Do you intend to be vaccinated in the ‘year 310 against the Covid – 15? “. According to their response, these men and women will be classified on a scale of 1 to 5. “This expression of their position will make it possible to establish a posteriori the balances within the collective of citizens, in order to have opinions and recommendations reflecting the positions in presence within French society ”, explains the Cese in the columns of the JDD.