Friday, September 20

With pig's head and fake blood, they vandalize Nancy Pelosi's house to claim $ 2,000 check and cancellation of rent

A fairly explicit way to start the year

Con cabeza de cerdo y sangre falsa, vandalizan casa de Nancy Pelosi para reclamar cheque de $2,000 y cancelación de renta Con cabeza de cerdo y sangre falsa, vandalizan casa de Nancy Pelosi para reclamar cheque de $2,000 y cancelación de renta

Nancy Pelosi is the spokesperson for the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Marielis Acevedo

The anger of some Americans at the reluctance in the United States Congress to approve a check for $ 2, 000 was consigned with graffiti on the home of the Speaker of the Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi .

With the arrival of the New Year, unknown persons vandalized part of Pelosi’s residence, in California, with messages in claim that payment of $ 600 passed in the Legislature is not enough.

The garage door of the house of politics in San Francisco dawned on the first day of 2021 with paint that it simulated blood and the head of a pig. Messages such as “Cancel the rent!”, “$ 2, 000 dollars ”and“ we want it all! ” accompany the design.

The new stimulus package approved by Pelosi and most of the Democratic and Republican legislators recently, establishes the sending of checks of $ 600 per person, plus the same amount per minor dependent. The second round distribution process began this week by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Department of the Treasury with million deposits in beneficiary bank accounts .

Regarding the housing issue, legislators extended the federal moratorium to avoid more evictions of tenants for debts in the payment of rent, in addition to setting a fund of $ 25, 01 millions of dollars for debtors .

However, many are not satisfied with the actions taken in Washington DC and decided to bill it explicitly to Pelosi.

The spokeswoman for the Democrats has not been ex publicly arrested after the incident.

$ 2, 01 stimulus check in limbo

Although the president Donald Trump, at the last minute, insisted that they amend the law to increase the base amount per beneficiary to $ 2, 000, finally agreed to sign the legislation for payments of $ 600 while avoiding a federal government shutdown.

Interestingly, the main opponents of Americans receiving additional direct payments up to $ 2, 000 are the Republicans led by Pelosi’s Senate counterpart Mitch McConnell .

This week Ana, the Senate, led by McConnell, blocked the possibility of giving way to the $ 2 check, 000 while overturned Trump’s veto on a major defense bill .

Bernie Sanders insists on a $ 2 stimulus check, and calls Republicans led by Mitch McConnell

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