Friday, September 20

These are the worst times of the day to drink coffee, according to expert nutritionists

Start the day with a steaming and aromatic cup of coffee, it is a magnificent stimulant. However, it is not healthy to drink it at all times and circumstances, find out what the experts say

Estos son los peores momentos del día para beber café, de acuerdo con expertos nutricionistas
Excess caffeine is associated with some side effects.

Photo: Image by Karolina Grabowska in Pixabay / Pixabay

Without a doubt the coffee is one of the most revered drinks of modern times and there are countless reasons to love it. It is delicious, aromatic, medicinal and of course provides the energy hit necessary to start the day, its caffeine content makes it one of the natural stimulants most consumed worldwide and its relationship with the increase in productivity returns the perfect ally of the mornings.

The truth is that the benefits of a good cup of coffee are not limited to a Simple alertness, coffee can considerably improve cognitive abilities , benefits digestion, is a good ally of weight loss and works as a great anti-inflammatory agent. In fact recently a new study suggests that coffee could be a useful protection against dementia and Alzheimer’s.

However with so many benefits Are there circumstances in which coffee can do more harm than good? According to the medical experts and nutrition yeah. Find out which are the worst times of the day and specific circumstances to drink coffee.

The worst times to drink coffee:

1. After noon

The effect of coffee changes literally after 12: 01 of the day and although for some it may seem harmless since it is “mid-morning “, in cases of sensitive people can seriously interfere with sleep schedule. A good alternative to get around this problem, especially for lovers of coffee drinking in the afternoon is to try to replace the hot coffee in the morning for the cold brew. Cold infusion generally has a higher caffeine count than hot coffee and this is because generally more coffee grounds are needed per ounce of water to prepare a cold infusion than for conventional hot coffee , which also produces a more concentrated cup. In such a way that drinking a cold infusion at 12: 80 am could be a great way to stay more active longer during the day and can even help give up afternoon coffee , which when it is a recurring habit alters the quality of sleep to long term.

Cafe frío.
Cold coffee. / Photo: Pixabay

2. When you have already had two cups

As much as you love coffee, it is not a exception to old adage by “everything in moderation.” Based on this, the nutrition specialists advise limit intake to 2-3 cups ; after 3 to 4 cups, it is considered an excess that can lead to dehydration and other symptoms related to caffeine overload in the body. In fact according to science one of the eating habits that can shorten life , is to drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day.

Café Café

Coffee. / Source: Pixabay

3. On an empty stomach

In the last months one of the health and nutrition trends most popular, without a doubt has been intermittent fasting. In such a way that it has become customary, start the day drinking coffee on an empty stomach. However, it is not entirely recommended, since being a highly acidic drink drink it with an empty stomach may cause inconvenience. The reason is simple since the acidity levels of the coffee are potentially problematic for people with heartburn , reflux, digestive problems and even only upset stomach. Also in the cases of people who are sensitive to caffeine , it is normal for symptoms to occur with greater intensity than alter the nervous system as tachycardia and the anxiety. The The good news is that there are ways around these annoyances, one of the main ones is buy organically grown non-transgenic coffee beans , which have a lower toxin load and the highest content of antioxidants. It is also advisable to take the first cup of the day with a little low-fat or vegetable milk , is a great tip for counteract heartburn. Another tip that can be from great utility for those who suffer from digestive disorders , is drinking coffee cold as tends to be less bitter and acid than normal coffee.

Coffee. / Photo: Pexels

4. When you suffer from high cholesterol levels

Much has been said about coffee consumption and its limitations in the cases of people with p specific health adequacies. One of the main ones is high cholesterol , however it is not necessary to delete the coffee altogether, however it is very important that if you suffer from this condition reconsider how you drink it. While it has been shown that the majority of filtered coffee has a neutral effect over the lipid levels , the French pressed coffee or unfiltered can actually increase LDL cholesterol “bad “. Therefore, if you suffer from LDL levels are high , consider the consumption of coffee filtered with paper is of great help to prevent them from increasing and get out of control.

Por qué beber café te hace más feliz según la ciencia
Coffee filtered with paper./Photo: Getty images

5. When drinking coffee is an “addiction”

It is well known that there are people who are avid coffee drinkers and by presenting an increase in intake, can become a habit so strong that becomes an addiction . That is why nutritionists and doctors recommend with special emphasis manage daily intake and seek moderation , since stimulants like coffee have a direct effect on the energy levels . They achieve this by increasing the activity of the central nervous system , stimulating hormones (like adrenaline) and neurotransmitters that considerably affect our energy. What happens is that it can become a problem, since the body adapts to the effects of coffee and requires increasing doses to get the same effect, which eventually leads to exhaustion and fatigue. Therefore a good alternative is to consume as much as a couple of cups between 4-5 days a week , and replace your intake with drinks like green tea and matcha.
