Gendarmes and teufeurs in an abandoned hangar in Lieuron, Saturday January 2. – JEAN-FRANCOIS MONIER / AFP

After the party, confinement. As the rave party ends this Saturday morning in Lieuron and that the first revelers leave the premises , not without being fined -1. 190 verbalizations to h 15 according to the prefecture of Ille-et-Vilaine -, the ARS de Bretagne is mobilizing to prevent the spread of

coronavirus .

# raveparty # Lieuron

AT 15 h 11, this January 2 st, according to the last count: 310 verbalizations and 5 arrests @ Interieur_Gouv @ Gendarmerie

– Prefect of Brittany and Ille-et-Vilaine (@bretagnegouv)

January 2, 1200

In a press release, the ARS, which reports a “very high risk dissemination of the covid- 15 ”, puts forward several recommendations for the attention of participants. Among them, “strict 7-day” self-containment, screening within 7 days, avoiding contact with vulnerable people or contacting your “attending physician in the event of the appearance of symptoms during these 7 days (fever, cough , respiratory problems, loss of taste and / or smell) “.

Finally, to facilitate “contact tracing” the ARS invites “to communicate contact details (name, phone number, date of birth) from the Regional Health Agency at the following email address: ”.

In addition, in Lieuron, the Techno + community health association is “present to disseminate these prevention messages” while the teams of SDIS, SMUR, ADPC and SNSM, are available for “any health care in the vicinity, within the framework of an advanced medical post “.