Friday, September 20

New York's vaccination rate is lower than that of Florida, despite being the state with the most deaths; Mayor blames Governor Cuomo

“This is something we do based on state guidelines,” justified De Blasio

Ritmo de vacunación de Nueva York es menor al de Florida, a pesar de ser el estado con más muertes; alcalde culpa a gobernador Cuomo
Pfizer Headquarters in Midtown East, Manhattan

Photo: AFP / Getty Images

New York is not having a vaccination rate commensurate with the severity of the proportion of cases, as shown by the federal figures.

Being the state with the most deaths (38, 100) since the start of the pandemic, NY is lagging behind other regions, for example Florida, in its efforts to administer the coronavirus vaccine, “despite the fact that Governor Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio proclaim that they have the best plan in the nation,” denounced New York Post.

New York has administered vaccinations to 723 people for each 100 thousand, a rate of about 14% of Florida pace, based on showed the tracker from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) .

Florida has so far immunized at a rate of 823 For each 100 thousand inhabitants, according to the online tracker, whose data is updated as of 30 December due to holiday reporting delays.

The figures cast doubt on De Blasio’s bold claim that 1 million residents of the city of New York would be vaccinated in January. The state has so far administered less than a third of its available doses.

When asked early last week about a delay in administering the vaccine to NYPD staff, De Blasio acknowledged that the city could move faster, were it not for strict state restrictions on who can get the dose and when.

“This is something we do based on state guidelines and we are in constant communication with the state about it,” the mayor said during a press conference on Tuesday 30. “Without question, if they give us authorization, we can act very quickly.”

During the pandemic the contradictions and power conflicts between the mayor and the governor of New York have been famous , both being Democrats.

In particular, Cuomo’s management on COVID – 19 has been peppered with controversy, including mass deaths in the elderly and the publication of a book praising his work, while limited his contacts with the federal government to discuss solutions, in the middle of his fights with Donald Trump, still being NY by far the state most affected by bread demia, in deaths and economic losses.