Friday, September 20

I toast because this 2021 will be better than the year 2020

By: Marguerite Gautier

A new year begins and those of us who survived the coronavirus have the responsibility to fulfill new purposes and amendments, because the time has come to leave behind the bad experiences of 2020.

Due to the pandemic, we have stories left to tell our grandchildren and future generations about a year that we will never forget, but that we must overcome to start over for the sake of humanity.

We are a generation that faces the challenge of correcting the course with new beginnings in this 2021.

For example, on 20 January We will launch the Democratic government of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

It will not be easy for them, or for the thousands of voters who put them in that task, with a suffering economy and millions of missing jobs.

In addition, in New York alone thousands of tenants face the fear of eviction because when they are left without work garlic, they could not pay the rent.

Businesses will have to start like the Phoenix bird, starting from the little and almost nothing that the pandemic left them.

In the Senate, in Washington DC, partisan debates are expected on those nominated by Biden, including several Hispanics, for positions in the federal government that will be in charge of defend issues such as health.

The composition of the Senate between Democrats and Republicans will also be crucial for the approval of the spending and investment budget laws that the new government needs to promote to get us from the pot in which the pandemic left us.

The advantage is that policy analysts say that because Biden carries 47 years in Congress, you already know Republican and Senate President Mitch McConnell.

In the past both agreed to difficult negotiations, such as the rescue of the banks in the fi nancial of 2008, and it would be feasible to think that they could once again reach agreements without partisan interest to save the nation and find a better future for all.

Immigrants start the new year full of hopes about what the new government can bring in terms of comprehensive immigration reform. Hopefully this time Biden can do what the Obama administration could not.

And as the threads of power in the nation’s capital continue their course, we can do our bit of sand against the pandemic.

What if instead of applauding and giving night concerts to the doctors we take care of ourselves and avoid becoming patients of the coronavirus so that this 2021 we can forget the 2020!

(The author – who uses a pseudonym – is a journalist based in New York)