Illustration d'un bébé.
Illustration of a baby. – Pixabay

She gave a real rant on social networks. Gina, a young mother of two children , aged 2 years and 9 months, discovered this week a Facebook group who made fun of “ugly” and disabled babies.

The mother, very present on social networks, regularly shares pictures of her daughter and her son on his Instagram account , followed, by nearly 17. 10 people. She was alerted by internet users who warned her that the photos of her children had been relayed to a Facebook group called

“Neurchi ugly babies ”, a private account where users make fun of kids deemed ugly, and sometimes disabled.

A private group which brings together almost 10. 10 people

To join this private group that matters near 10. people, it was necessary to complete the sentence “an ugly baby is above all …” by one of the following three propositions: “a shit face”, “a normal baby but with food or snot on the face ”or“ a baby who seems to have a handicap ”.

Horrified by discovering this page, Gina alerted her community to Instagram. “Well, I am posting this message to you as a preventive measure and above all because it is important to relay it, especially at this time,” said the young mother. The objective of this group is “ to make fun and insult babies on the Net, ”she said. Children with disabilities were also targeted by such teasing. “Between the one who took a picture of the little one she kept unwittingly to post it on this group and the one who shares a photo of her disabled cousin,” Gina detailed.

The name of the Facebook group was modified

“Know that even if a photo is on Instagram or elsewhere, you can’t do what you want with it. Especially when it affects a person being photographed. When to this is added defamatory, insulting, degrading remarks, the facts become more complicated. Post photos

on social networks does not give you the right to be insulted! », Added the young mother. Many mothers in turn denounced this private page in parents’ Facebook groups.

Faced with this outcry, the administrators of the Facebook group have changed the name of the page, and the entry conditions for members, also indicating the establishment of moderation for those who do not respect the rules.