. people in France since the start of the epidemic.

The number of patients hospitalized for Covid – 19 is of 24. 190, is 144 less than Thursday, a slight decrease like the previous few days, with 609 new admissions, according to the first digits of the year 2021. The number of patients in intensive care or intensive care is also down slightly, with 2. 190 people (- 16), and 99 new admissions.

21. case per day

The number of new cases registered on 21 hours was not available early Friday evening. On Thursday it was around 19. 000, still far from the government objective of going down to 5. cases per day. This daily figure has varied enormously since mid-December, fluctuating between around 3. and more than 21. .

Facing risk of a new outbreak of the epidemic after the end of year holidays, the government has decided to strengthen the curfew from Saturday in 000 eastern departments from the country.