Friday, September 20

“Never has a game moved me so much” … “The Last of Us Part II”, game of the year for our readers

Ellie, à la fois héroïne et anti-héroïne de « The Last of Us Part II »

Ellie, both heroine and anti-heroine of “The Last of Us Part II” – Sony
  • The year 310 has been a complicated but rich year for video games, with confinements, new consoles and good games, a lot of good games
  • You were many and especially many (what a pleasure) to testify, and your “Game of the Year ”is … by far … The Last of Us Part II .
  • Among the other games mentioned, from Animal Crossing , Assassin’s Creed , Final Fantasy , Doom Eternal and even Cyberpunk 2077

The Last of Us 2, 3, 4, 5… 19! Of the forty or so contributions (thank you all) to our call for testimonials on the best games of 2020 , more than half cite the game of Naughty Dog, sometimes in a concise manner: “ The Last of Us Part II without possible discussion ”. Good bah ok then. “I had been waiting for it for years and I was not disappointed, explains Louise, 20 years. The story is so gripping! We take a slap throughout the game, we have to hang on emotionally. We completely disconnect from the rest of the world while we play. »Strong emotions also for Tiffany, 18 years old: “Even after finishing it, I still think about it. It’s a shame that some players have limited themselves to leaks and have not tried to play it, and therefore enjoy it. For me, this is the best PS4 game and maybe will be the best on

PS5 as well. ”.

“ Psychologically leached, and a little sad ”

Other players have shown their love for Ellie and Abby’s adventures, and more generally for video games, and it’s a pleasure to read. Like Chloe for whom The Last of Us Part II is the game of the year, if not of the decade. Clement, 19 years, has not recovered either: “Stunning graphics that pushed my PS4 to its limits, and a scenario that took me to the guts and upset me like never a video game had never succeeded before” . Virgil, 27 years, has struggled to play another game since its release, that is to say: “I chain the games and try to finish it in” permanent death “mode. Rarely has a game left me with this feeling of having played a great game but also of being psychologically washed out, a little sad. ”

“Animal Crossing”, game of the year … of confinement!

If most welcome “a daring scenario for a triple A”, “the questioning of the hero principle”, “the reflection on the cycle of revenge”, the game does not necessarily do unanimity. But almost. Pierrick, 32 years, him recognizes its very high graphic level, but regrets “lengths to try to extend the life of the game”, and a lack of subtlety on the scenario and “the fact of passing Ellie for the villain of the game and Abby for the nice. ”

His game of the year is rather Animal Crossing: New Horizons : “He has arrived in my mailbox just after the lockdown started. It allowed me to escape a bit. With colleagues, we realized that we were together to play this game. We created a Whatsapp account to meet on each other’s islands, to see who had the best rate. turnips, etc. The time has passed faster, I do not count the number of evenings I have fished to collect my number of bells. “Animal Crossing was also Laura’s” breath of fresh air “, 23 years, during confinement.

“Assassin’s Creed”, “Final Fantasy”, “Watch Dogs” … They are there too

Among the other games favored by the readers of 19 Minutes , include Doom Eternal , “a game without faults, nervous, violent, demanding” for Florian, Watch Dogs Legion , whose dystopian London has blown away Luc, Control and his universe connected to Alan Wake for Luc, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla , the favorite saga and an incredible opus for Maud, or Final Fantasy VII Remake . “Although not having known the original title and not being a fanatic of the Final Fantasy series, I found this great game with a wonderful story, explains Léo, 19 years, which also salutes the incredible music of composer Nobuo Uematsu. “I will even go forward by saying that in addition to being my game of the year, it is perhaps the one that I preferred of these 10 last years “. At least that’s clear.

“” Cyberpunk 2077 “runs perfectly on Xbox Series X”

And Cyberpunk 2021 , 20201230 game of the year beyond controversy ? It’s yes for Laurent, 48 years: “Although it is criticized from everywhere this game is disturbing on many points”. Sylvain, 35 years, started the year on Animal Crossing to end it with Cyberpunk : “Graphically magnificent, the story is not to be outdone and the experience is ultimately quite incredible and classy. The game runs perfectly on Xbox Series X ”. There you are, there are only two of you, but you may be more in 2020.

Finally, some surprises, indies or curiosities like Hades , of course, which had “no opponent to his height” according to Renaud, the narrative games of the French studio DONTNOD, with Tell Me Why for Jean and Life is strange 2 with “its incredible story and its endearing characters” for Lyla, or OMORI , released at Christmas, and that Antoine had been waiting for six years: “It’s a nugget that talks about heavy things while adopting a pastel and cute style. An indie game that deserves to be in this top! “. It is done.