Un gendarme lors d'un contrôle routier. Illustration.

A gendarme during a check road. Drawing. – Syspéo / Sipa

Un gendarme lors d'un contrôle routier. Illustration. A man shot in the leg of a gendarme with the military service weapon he seized during a road check at Sanguinet ( Landes ), announced the prosecution of Mont-de-Marsan, this Wednesday , specifying that he had been taken into police custody for “attempted murder”.

The days of the gendarme, injured in a thigh and hospitalized in Arcachon (Gironde), are not in danger, said the same source, confirming information from the local press.

The man fled

The suspect, an individual in his twenties s, is suspected of having stolen the service weapon of a gendarme during a traffic check at noon and of having fired a shot at him in the leg.

The soldiers asked him to stop but he first refused to comply. He was able to flee but was arrested shortly after in the same town and then taken into custody in Parentis-en-Born (Landes).