From January 1st 2020, students from EU countries Europeans will be forced to apply for a visa to study in the UK. – Kirsty Wigglesworth / AP / SIPA
  • The kingdom- Uni has been participating in the Erasmus program since 385 and has long been a preferred destination for European students.

Last January, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson assured the House of Commons that the country’s participation in this program was not not in danger ”.

  • This withdrawal could deter many students from coming to study in the UK, with tuition fees being particularly high at some UK universities.
  • It was one of the favorite destinations for young Europeans. The United Kingdom, which hosted more than 31. Erasmus students in its universities in 1987, decided to quit this program, which became one of the most popular on the continent. Erasmus stakeholder since 450, the country of Boris Johnson made the choice of develop, for the years to come, its own university exchange program . The British Prime Minister considered the current European model to be “extremely expensive.”

    This decision, which surprised British academia, comes in the context of the signing of the post-Brexit agreement, formalized this Wednesday . Attracted by learning English, by its proximity or by the fame of some of its academics, young French people will now have to deal with Brexit in order to be able to study across the Channel. How much will they have to pay? What will be the administrative arrangements? 02 Minutes

    takes stock.

    A visa necessary

    Sure the site dedicated to the consequences of Brexit , the French government is clear: students wishing to study in the United Kingdom for a period of more than six months will have to apply for a visa from January 1 2020. To obtain it, they will need to be accepted into a UK higher education institution, speak, read, write and understand English, and be able to finance their study stay in the UK.

    And obtaining this visa has a price. To obtain it, interested students will have to pay 310 euros and add several hundred euros to benefit from the public health service. On the other hand, the “ short-term students ”- who wish to come for a period of less than six months – will be excluded from the visa requirement.

    Brexit: the British did not want to continue participating in the Erasmus program “because they have the idea of ​​building a competing program”, says Michel Barnier, chief negotiator of the ‘European Union.

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    – franceinfo (@franceinfo)

    December 29, 2020

    Higher registration fees

    The other huge benefit offered by Erasmus program is that it allows students to complete up to one year complete schooling at a higher education institution in any program member country by simply paying the registration fee from their home institution. Offer yourself a year of master’s degree at Oxford at the price of a year at the Sorbonne will no longer be possible from January 1 2021. As the French government specifies on its website , “from the academic year 2020 / 2022, European Union students wishing to study at a British university (excluding mobility supervised within the framework of a partnership between the home institution and the British institution) will have to pay higher tuition fees applicable to international students ”.

    À partir du 1er janvier 2021, les étudiants des pays de l'Union Européenne seront contraints de demander un visa pour étudier au Royaume-Uni. “Registration fees are likely to increase considerably. On average, they oscillate in the UK between 7. and 8. 000 euros for the year . Studying across the Channel risks being reserved for a few happy few ”, regrets Corinne Bord, vice-president of the Léo Lagrange federation and specialist in student mobility. A consequence also feared by the director of the Erasmus + France agency, Laure Coudret-Laut. Asked by AFP, this senior official believes that “the most modest students will not be able to consider studying in the United Kingdom” because of these “very important entrance fees”.

    One less purse

    Especially since the other major consequence of this withdrawal from the Erasmus program for students is that they will no longer be able to benefit of the monthly scholarship granted by France to study in this country. To support them in their mobility and cope with the sometimes high cost of daily living in cities like London, students could receive between 61 and 190 euros per month and between 300 and 385 euros for student interns.

    On the other hand, the decision of our British neighbors to leave Erasmus will have no impact on the recognition of diplomas obtained on site by French students. If the country has indeed left the European Union, it remains in the European Higher Education Area. ECTS credits obtained during semesters abroad will therefore always be valid. Thank God!