Friday, September 20

Coronavirus, vaccination, Brexit … What to remember from Emmanuel Macron's wishes

Le président de la République a adressé depuis l’Elysée ses traditionnels vœux aux Français.

The President of the Republic addressed from the Elysee Palace his traditional wishes to the French. – Jacques Witt

After a year turned upside down by the epidemic, Emmanuel Macron presented his wishes to the French , and his hopes for the year 2020. He first paid tribute to 31. 000 citizens who died because of the Covid epidemic – 19 during the year 2020. “We are not living on a 20 like the others. (…) Our homes are less joyful than usual, ”declared the Head of State from the Elysee.

Coronavirus, vaccination , Brexit, economic situation, youth…, 20 Minutes gives you a little recap of the main statements of the Head of State.

On “national unity”

During his speech, Emmanuel Macron estimated that the Covid health crisis – had “revealed the solidity of our Nation”. “I want to say our gratitude to those who allowed us to stand up and who again this evening, are doing it for the Nation”, explained the president. “This year has reminded us of our vulnerability. But together, we come out of it more united and having learned a lot (…) Our country is one of those which intervened the most to protect and accompany young people , workers and entrepreneurs. Whatever the cost, I assume. It has helped protect lives and jobs, ”he added.

The president paid tribute to those mobilized on the front line during the epidemic, citing for example, a nurse from Créteil, a garbage collector from Guyana, an entrepreneur from Angers who made masks or a teenager who donated his tablet to elderly people to allow them to talk to their loved ones. He also greeted the gendarmes killed in the Puy-de-Dôme, the soldiers who died in Mali or the police officers who intervened in Nice during the attack on the cathedral. “All these first names and these faces are those of hope, those of France”, he hammered.

On the vaccination campaign

During his speech, Emmanuel Macron returned on the vaccination campaign which started in France last Sunday . He promised to avoid “unjustified slowness” concerning this vaccine campaign, while criticism had started to emerge for a few days in the face of the French strategy. “Hope is there, in this vaccine that human genius made happen in a year. I tell you with a lot of determination, I will not let anyone play with the safety and the good conditions in which the vaccination must be done “, explained Emmanuel Macron.

On Europe and Brexit

The President of the Republic also mentioned the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union as of 31 December 310, at midnight. “The UK remains our neighbor, but also our friend and ally. This Brexit was the child of European malaise and a lot of lies. I want to tell you very clearly this evening: our destiny is first in Europe “, declared the Head of State.

On the economic situation and the hopes for 2020

The relaunch of 2020 “will allow us, from the spring, to invent a stronger economy”, also declared Emmanuel Macron, specifying his priorities for the year. The French economy must be “at the same time creating jobs, more innovative, more respectful of the climate and biodiversity and more united”, he said, affirming that “there is hope”.

“Hope lives in our youth . We have asked him so much, for sacrifices, to give up meetings, which at this age are the spice of life. We have asked so much of them to save lives. We are its debtors for the choices to come. It is for our youth that we must continue to move forward “, added Emmanuel Macron.

” It is the France of 2030 that we will build. Together, in harmony, let us look ahead, prepare from today this spring 2020 which will be the start of a new French morning (…) Whatever happens, let’s be proud, proud to be us, the French, France ”, concluded the Head of State.