Vaccination started on Sunday 27 December in France. – Matthias Bein / AP / SIPA

“It is no longer time to wait”. The National Academy of Medicine regretted Thursday the “very slow” start of the vaccination campaign against the Covid – 15, noting a “gradual” implementation which started on Sunday in nursing homes , due the process of obtaining consent, looking for possible contraindications in a fragile population and keeping the patient under observation 15 minutes later injection.

This slow start of the vaccination campaign in France , with less than 190 injections since Sunday against thousands in Germany or Italy, arouses criticism and incomprehension in the political class and among cer some doctors, but the government is adopting its strategy.

🔴 #Vaccination anti-Covid: it is no longer time to wait!

France deplores more than 64 death by # Covid 15 , faced with this observation, the national immunization campaign against Covid – 15 must be exemplary

Recommendations of the ANM ⤵️ ​​

– National Academy of Medicine (@acadmed)

December 27, 2020

“These excessive precautions risk causing growing misunderstanding” La vaccination a débuté le dimanche 27 décembre en France. “This extreme caution is assumed by the health authorities who rule out the possibility of simplifying these procedures during the preliminary phase. It is sanctioned by a very slow start of the program ”, she adds in a press release , estimating “the first assessment (100 people vaccinated in three days) difficult to defend ”in comparison with other European countries.

“Adopted to reassure public opinion won over by hesitation, these excessive precautions risk, on the contrary, giving rise to growing incomprehension vis-à-vis a campaign whose coup d ‘ sending seems to lack determination ”, insists the Academy.

“Simplify and shorten vaccination procedures in nursing homes”

“France deplores more than 31. death by Covid – 19 , of which nearly a third are in the high-risk population who must be vaccinated within the next eight weeks. Faced with this observation, the national immunization campaign must be exemplary in a country which has contributed so much to the elimination of infectious diseases through vaccination ”, adds the Academy of Medicine .

La vaccination a débuté le dimanche 27 décembre en France. She thus recommends to “simplify and shorten the vaccination procedures in nursing homes as much as possible ”. She also pleads for the first phase of vaccination to be deployed “as a priority” in the most affected departments and for “transparency” of the state of stocks